How To Increase The Chance Of Improving Breast Milk Supply?

There are a lot of challenges when a woman is turning into a mother. The challenge starts during the pregnancy period until it gives birth. One of the most challenging parts is the breastfeeding stage, wherein the mother produces milk for the baby to feed. However, not all moms can breastfeed their babies due to a lack of milk supply.

How to produce breast milk healthily?

Colostrum Collection Kit paired with the perfect pregnancy tea makes breastfeeding mothers produce colostrum or breast milk. Colostrum is the first milk that the body produced during the pregnancy stage. It forms in the mammary glands or breasts and plays a vital role in building the baby’s immune system.

How vital is colostrum?

If you plan to breastfeed your baby, give the first milk or colostrum to your baby from the breasts. However, there are tendencies like the baby is struggling to breastfeed, then handing express colostrum can be done. Colostrum is high in protein, minerals, vitamins, and immunoglobulins or antibodies that help build the baby’s immune system. Colostrum is often called liquid gold because of these reasons:

  • Rich
  • Golden color
  • Valuable benefits

Colostrum collection kit

Babies who take colostrum are healthier than those who are simply fed with commercial or manufactured milk.

What is colostrum made of?

Colostrum is low in fat and sugar, but high in protein. Therefore, babies can form muscles and build an immune system; colostrum is filled with blood cells that construct antibodies. The antibodies will strengthen the baby’s immune system, protecting them from infection. Also, colostrum is nutrient-dense and highly concentrated, even in tiny doses.

Thus, the baby’s tummy doesn’t need much to reap its benefits. Colostrum has this content that can make the baby strong and healthy. It is the main reason breastmilk is unbeatable and incomparable with any other manufactured milk.

Colostrum versus breast milk

Colostrum is nutrient-rich milk produced by the breasts during the pregnancy period. It starts to change to transitional breast milk after a few days after the baby is born. But, small amounts of colostrum remain in the breast milk for a few weeks. There are unique differences between colostrum and breast milk, such as:

  1. Colostrum boosts the baby’s immune system and protects it from illness because of the immunoglobulins found in it.
  2. Colostrum has 2x as much protein
  3. Colostrum has 4x as much zinc
  4. Colostrum is low in fat and sugar that makes it easy for digestion
  5. Colostrum is more yellow and thicker

Stages of breast milk

There are three stages of breast milk:

  1. Colostrum
  2. Transitional milk
  3. Mature milk

Thus, colostrum is different from breast milk. Mothers should know this and become aware. Colostrum Collection Kit helps very expectant mothers to collect the first milk for their babies to be fed by the time they are born.